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pmm-admin - PMM Administration Tool


pmm-admin - Administer PMM


pmm-admin [FLAGS]

pmm-admin config [FLAGS] --server-url=server-url


DATABASE:= [MongoDB | MySQL | PostgreSQL | ProxySQL]

pmm-admin add --pmm-agent-listen-port=LISTEN_PORT DATABASE [FLAGS] [NAME] [ADDRESS]

pmm-admin add haproxy [FLAGS] [NAME]

pmm-admin add external [FLAGS] [NAME] [ADDRESS]

pmm-admin add external-serverless [FLAGS] [NAME] [ADDRESS]

pmm-admin remove [FLAGS] service-type [service-name]

pmm-admin register [FLAGS] [node-address] [node-type] [node-name]

pmm-admin list [FLAGS] [node-address]

pmm-admin status [FLAGS] [node-address]

pmm-admin summary [FLAGS] [node-address]

pmm-admin annotate [--node|--service] [--tags <tags>] [node-name|service-name]

pmm-admin help [COMMAND]


pmm-admin is a command-line tool for administering PMM using a set of COMMAND keywords and associated FLAGS.

PMM communicates with the PMM Server via a PMM agent process.


-h, --help
Show help and exit.
Show extended help and exit.
Generate man page. (Use pmm-admin --help-man | man -l - to view.)
Enable debug logging.
Enable trace logging (implies debug).
--log-level (This parameter is available starting with PMM 2.29.0.)
Set the level for the logs as per your requirement such as INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and FATAL.
Enable JSON output.
Show the application version and exit.
PMM Server URL in https://username:password@pmm-server-host/ format.
Skip PMM Server TLS certificate validation.
Group name for external services. Default: external
--expose-exporter (This flag is availble starting with PMM 2.41.0.)
If you enable this flag, any IP address on the local network and anywhere on the internet can access exporter endpoints. If the flag is disabled/not present, exporter endpoints can be accessed only locally. The flag is disabled by default



pmm-admin help [COMMAND]
Show help for COMMAND.


pmm-admin list --server-url=server-url [FLAGS]
Show Services and Agents running on this Node, and the agent mode (push/pull).
pmm-admin status --server-url=server-url [FLAGS]

Show the following information about a local pmm-agent, and its connected server and clients:

  • Agent: Agent ID, Node ID.
  • PMM Server: URL and version.
  • PMM Client: connection status, time drift, latency, vmagent status, pmm-admin version.
  • Agents: Agent ID path and client name.


Time to wait for a successful response from pmm-agent. period is an integer. unit is one of ms for milliseconds, s for seconds, m for minutes, h for hours.
pmm-admin summary --server-url=server-url [FLAGS]

Creates an archive file in the current directory with default file name summary_<hostname>_<year>_<month>_<date>_<hour>_<minute>_<second>.zip. The contents are two directories, client and server containing diagnostic text files.


The Summary Archive filename.
Skip fetching from PMM Server.
--pprof (This parameter is available starting with PMM 2.29.0)
Include performance profiling data in the summary.


Configure a local pmm-agent.


Node ID (default is auto-detected).
Node model.
Node region.
Node availability zone.
Metrics flow mode for agents node-exporter. Allowed values: - auto: chosen by server (default). - push: agent will push metrics. - pull: server scrapes metrics from agent.
Base path where all binaries, tools and collectors of PMM client are located
Custom agent password. (This parameter is available starting with PMM 2.29.0.)

Register the current Node with the PMM Server.

pmm-admin register [FLAGS] [node-address] [node-type] [node-name]


  • --server-url=server-url
    PMM Server URL in https://username:password@pmm-server-host/ format.
  • --machine-id="/machine_id/9812826a1c45454a98ba45c56cc4f5b0"
    Node machine-id (default is auto-detected).
  • --distro="linux"
    Node OS distribution (default is auto-detected).
  • --container-id=container-id
    Container ID.
  • --container-name=container-name
    Container name.
  • --node-model=node-model
    Node model.
  • --region=region
    Node region.
  • --az=availability-zone
    Node availability zone.
  • --custom-labels=labels
    Custom user-assigned labels.
  • --agent-password=password
    Custom agent password. (Available starting with PMM 2.29.0.)

Configure the PMM agent with a listen port.

pmm-admin add --pmm-agent-listen-port=LISTEN_PORT DATABASE [FLAGS] [NAME] [ADDRESS]
  • --pmm-agent-listen-port=LISTEN_PORT: The PMM agent listen port.

DATABASE:= MongoDB | MySQL | PostgreSQL | ProxySQL

Remove Service from monitoring.

pmm-admin remove [FLAGS] service-type [service-name]


  • --service-id=service-id: Service ID.
  • --force: Remove service with that name or ID and all dependent services and agents.

Note: When you remove a service, collected data remains on PMM Server for the specified retention period.

Annotate an event. (Read more)

pmm-admin annotate [--node|--service] <annotation> [--tags <tags>] [--node-name=<node>] [--service-name=<service>]
  • <annotation>: The annotation string. If it contains spaces, it should be quoted.
  • --node: Annotate the current node or that specified by --node-name.
  • --service: Annotate all services running on the current node, or that specified by --service-name.
  • --tags: A quoted string that defines one or more comma-separated tags for the annotation. Example: "tag 1,tag 2".
  • --node-name: The node name being annotated.
  • --service-name: The service name being annotated.

Combining flags

Flags may be combined in various ways. For example:

  • --node: Current node.
  • --node-name: Node with name.
  • --node --node-name=NODE_NAME: Node with name.
  • --node --service-name: Current node and service with name.
  • --node --node-name --service-name: Node with name and service with name.
  • --node --service: Current node and all services of current node.
  • -node --node-name --service --service-name: Service with name and node with name.
  • --service: All services of the current node.
  • --service-name: Service with name.
  • --service --service-name: Service with name.
  • --service --node-name: All services of current node and node with name.
  • --service-name --node-name: Service with name and node with name.
  • --service --service-name -node-name: Service with name and node with name.


If node or service name is specified, they are used instead of other parameters.



pmm-admin add mongodb [FLAGS] [node-name] [node-address]
Add MongoDB to monitoring.
:  Node ID (default is auto-detected).

:  The pmm-agent identifier which runs this instance (default is auto-detected).

:  MongoDB username.

:  MongoDB password.

:  Override the default password for accessing the `/metrics` endpoint. (Username is `pmm` and default password is the agent ID.)

    !!! caution ""
        Avoid using special characters like '\', ';' and '$' in the custom password.

:  Source of queries, one of: `profiler`, `none` (default: `profiler`).

:  Environment name.

:  Cluster name.

:  Replication set name.

:  Custom user-assigned labels.

:  Skip connection check.

:  Use TLS to connect to the database.

:  Skip TLS certificates validation.

: Path to TLS certificate file.

: Password for TLS certificate file.

: Path to certificate authority file.

: Metrics flow mode for agents node-exporter. Allowed values:
    - `auto`: chosen by server (default).
    - `push`: agent will push metrics.
    - `pull`: server scrapes metrics from agent.

`--max-query-length=NUMBER` (This parameter is available starting with PMM 2.32.0.)
: Limit query length in QAN. Allowed values:
    - -1: No limit.
    -  0: Default value. The default value is 2048 chars.
    - >0: Query will be truncated after <NUMBER> chars.

    !!! caution ""
        Ensure you do not set the value of `max-query-length` to 1, 2, or 3. Otherwise, the PMM agent will get terminated.

MongoDB exporter includes the following collectors:

  • diagnosticdata
  • replicasetstatus
  • collstats
  • dbstats
  • indexstats
  • topmetrics
  • currentop: This only collects operations running for longer than one minute and ignores operations in the admin and local databases.
  • fcv (Feature Compatibility Version)
Advanced options

PMM starts the MongoDB exporter by default only with diagnosticdata and replicasetstatus collectors enabled.


Enable all collectors.
Comma-separated list of collector names to exclude from exporter.

Disable collstats, dbstats, topmetrics and indexstats if there are more than collections. 0: No limit. Default is -1, PMM automatically sets this value.

A very high limit of max-collections-limit could impact the CPU and Memory usage. Check --stats-collections to limit the scope of collections and DB’s metrics to be fetched.

Collections for collstats & indexstats.

To add MongoDB with default collectors (diagnosticdata and replicasetstatus and fcv (Feature Compatibility Version) collectors:

pmm-admin add mongodb --username=admin --password=admin_pass mongodb_srv_1

This command adds MongoDB to PMM monitoring with only the default collectors enabled. It’s the simplest way to start monitoring a MongoDB instance without enabling additional collectors.

To enable all collectors, pass the parameter --enable-all-collectors in the pmm-admin add mongodb command. This will enable collstats, dbstats, indexstats, topmetrics, currentopmetrics and fcv collectors.


  1. To add MongoDB with all collectors (diagnosticdata, replicasetstatus, collstats, dbstats, indexstats, currentopmetrics, topmetrics and fcv) with default limit detected by PMM (currently <=200 collections, but subject to change):

    pmm-admin add mongodb --username=admin --password=admin_pass --enable-all-collectors mongodb_srv_1
  2. To enable all the collectors with an unlimited number of collections monitored:

    pmm-admin add mongodb --username=admin --password=admin_pass --enable-all-collectors --max-collections-limit=0 mongodb_srv_1

By default, PMM decides the limit for the number of collections to monitor the collStats and indexStats collectors.

You can also set an additional limit for the collStats, indexStats, dbStats, currentopmetrics and topmetrics collectors with the --max-collections-limit parameter.

Set the value of the parameter --max-collections-limit to:

  • 0: which indicates that collStats and indexStats can handle unlimited collections.
  • n, which indicates that collStats and indexStats can handle <=n collections. If the limit is crossed - exporter stops collecting monitoring data for the collStats and indexStats collectors.
  • -1 (default) doesn’t need to be explicitly set. It indicates that PMM decides how many collections it would monitor, currently <=200 (subject to change).

To further refine the scope of monitored collections: 1. Use the --stats-collections parameter to specify which databases and collections collStats and indexStats will monitor. 2. The parameter accepts a comma-separated list of namespaces in the format database[.collection].


  1. To add MongoDB with all collectors (diagnosticdata, replicasetstatus, collstats, dbstats, indexstats, currentopmetrics, topmetrics and fcv) withmax-collections-limit` set to 1000:

    pmm-admin add mongodb --username=admin --password=admin_pass --enable-all-collectors --max-collections-limit=1000 mongodb_srv_1
  2. If --stats-collections=db1,db2.col1 then the collectors are run as follows:

    Database Collector is run on
    db1 All the collections
    db2 Only for collection col1
  3. Enable all collectors and limit monitoring for dbstats, indexstats, collstats and topmetrics for all collections in db1 and col1 collection in db2, without limiting max-collections-limit for a number of collections in db1:

    pmm-admin add mongodb --username=admin --password=admin_pass --enable-all-collectors --max-collections-limit=0 --stats-collections=db1,db2.col1 mongodb_srv_1

To enable only some collectors, pass the parameter --enable-all-collectors along with the parameter --disable-collectors.


  1. If you want all collectors except topmetrics, specify --enable-all-collectors --disable-collectors=topmetrics

  2. To disable collstats collector and enable all the others without limiting max-collections-limit:

    pmm-admin add mongodb --username=admin --password=admin_pass --enable-all-collectors --max-collections-limit=0 --disable-collectors=collstats mongodb_srv_1


PMM collects metrics in two resolutions to decrease CPU and Memory usage: high and low resolutions.

In high resolution we collect metrics from collectors which work fast: - diagnosticdata - replicasetstatus - topmetrics

In low resolution we collect metrics from collectors which could take some time: - dbstats - indexstats - collstats


pmm-admin add mysql [FLAGS] node-name node-address | [--name=service-name] --address=address[:port] | --socket

Add MySQL to monitoring.


MySQL address and port (default:
Path to MySQL socket. (Find the socket path with mysql -u root -p -e "select @@socket".)
Node ID (default is auto-detected).
The pmm-agent identifier which runs this instance (default is auto-detected).
MySQL username.
MySQL password.

Override the default password for accessing the /metrics endpoint. (Username is pmm and default password is the agent ID.)

Avoid using special characters like ‘', ‘;’ and ‘$’ in the custom password.

Source of SQL queries, one of: slowlog, perfschema, none (default: slowlog). For slowlog query source, you need change permissions for specific files. Root permissions are needed for this.

Rotate slow log file at this size. If 0, use server-defined default. Negative values disable log rotation. A unit suffix must be appended to the number and can be one of:

  • KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB for base 2 units (1024, 1048576, etc).
Disable collection of query examples.

Disable table statistics collection.

Excluded collectors for low-resolution time intervals:

  • --collect.auto_increment.columns
  • --collect.info_schema.tables
  • --collect.info_schema.tablestats
  • --collect.perf_schema.indexiowaits
  • --collect.perf_schema.tableiowaits
  • --collect.perf_schema.file_instances

Excluded collectors for medium-resolution time intervals:

  • --collect.perf_schema.tablelocks
Table statistics collection will be disabled if there are more than specified number of tables (default: server-defined). 0=no limit. Negative value disables collection.
Environment name.
Cluster name.
Replication set name.
Custom user-assigned labels.
Skip connection check.
Use TLS to connect to the database.
Skip TLS certificates validation.
Path to TLS client certificate file.
Key for TLS client certificate file.
Path to certificate authority file.
The path name of the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate file. If used, must specify the same certificate used by the server. (-ssl-capath is similar, but specifies the path name of a directory of CA certificate files.)
The path name of the client public key certificate file.
The path name of the client private key file.
Skip SSL certificate verification.
Metrics flow mode for agents node-exporter. Allowed values: - auto: chosen by server (default). - push: agent will push metrics. - pull: server scrapes metrics from agent.
--max-query-length=NUMBER (This parameter is available starting with PMM 2.32.0.)

Limit query length in QAN. Allowed values: - -1: No limit. - 0: Default value. The default value is 2048 chars. - >0: Query will be truncated after chars.

Ensure you do not set the value of max-query-length to 1, 2, or 3. Otherwise, the PMM agent will get terminated.

Enable/disable parsing comments from queries into QAN filter groups: - off: Disabled. - on: Enabled.


pmm-admin add postgresql [FLAGS] [node-name] [node-address]

Add PostgreSQL to monitoring.


--node-id=<node id>
Node ID (default is auto-detected).
--pmm-agent-id=<pmm agent id>
The pmm-agent identifier which runs this instance (default is auto-detected).
PostgreSQL username.
PostgreSQL password.
PostgreSQL database (default: postgres).

Override the default password for accessing the /metrics endpoint. (Username is pmm and default password is the agent ID.)

Avoid using special characters like ‘', ‘;’ and ‘$’ in the custom password.

--query-source=<query source>
Source of SQL queries, one of: pgstatements, pgstatmonitor, none (default: pgstatements).
Disable collection of query examples. Applicable only if query-source is set to pgstatmonitor.
Environment name.
Cluster name.
--replication-set=<replication set>
Replication set name.
--custom-labels=<custom labels>
Custom user-assigned labels.
Skip connection check.
Use TLS to connect to the database.
Skip TLS certificates validation.
TLS CA certificate file.
TLS certificate file.
TLS certificate key file.
Metrics flow mode for agents node-exporter. Allowed values: - auto: chosen by server (default). - push: agent will push metrics. - pull: server scrapes metrics from agent.
--max-query-length=NUMBER (This parameter is available starting with PMM 2.32.0.)

Limit query length in QAN. Allowed values: - -1: No limit. - 0: Default value. The default value is 2048 chars. - >0: Query will be truncated after chars.

Ensure you do not set the value of max-query-length to 1, 2, or 3. Otherwise, the PMM agent will get terminated.

Enable/disable parsing comments from queries into QAN filter groups: - off: Disabled. - on: Enabled.


pmm-admin add proxysql [FLAGS] [node-name] [node-address]

Add ProxySQL to monitoring.


Node ID (default is auto-detected).
The pmm-agent identifier which runs this instance (default is auto-detected).
ProxySQL username.
ProxySQL password.

Override the default password for accessing the /metrics endpoint. (Username is pmm and default password is the agent ID.)

Avoid using special characters like ‘', ‘;’ and ‘$’ in the custom password.

Environment name.
Cluster name.
Replication set name.
Custom user-assigned labels.
Skip connection check.
Use TLS to connect to the database.
Skip TLS certificates validation.
Metrics flow mode for agents node-exporter. Allowed values: - auto: chosen by server (default). - push: agent will push metrics. - pull: server scrapes metrics from agent.
Comma-separated list of collector names to exclude from exporter.


pmm-admin add haproxy [FLAGS] [NAME]

Add HAProxy to monitoring.


PMM Server URL in https://username:password@pmm-server-host/ format.
Skip PMM Server TLS certificate validation.
HAProxy username.
HAProxy password.
Scheme to generate URI to exporter metrics endpoints (http or https).
Path under which metrics are exposed, used to generate URI (default: /metrics).
Listen port of haproxy exposing the metrics for scraping metrics (Required).
Node ID where service runs (default is auto-detected).
Environment name like ‘production’ or ‘qa’.
Cluster name.
Replication set name.
Custom user-assigned labels. Example: region=east,app=app1.
Metrics flow mode for agents node-exporter. Allowed values: - auto: chosen by server (default). - push: agent will push metrics. - pull: server scrapes metrics from agent.
Skip connection check.


pmm-admin add external [FLAGS]

Add External source of data (like a custom exporter running on a port) to be monitored.


Service name (autodetected defaults to the hostname where pmm-admin is running).
Node ID where agent runs (default is autodetected).
External username.
External password.
--scheme=http or https
Scheme to generate URI to exporter metrics endpoints.
Path under which metrics are exposed, used to generate URI.
Listen port of external exporter for scraping metrics. (Required.)
Node ID where service runs (default is autodetected).
Environment name like ‘production’ or ‘qa’.
Cluster name.
Replication set name.
Custom user-assigned labels. Example: region=east,app=app1.
Metrics flow mode, can be push: agent will push metrics, pull: server scrape metrics from agent or auto: chosen by server.
Group name of external service. (Default: external.)
pmm-admin add external-serverless [FLAGS]

Add External Service on Remote node to monitoring.

Usage example: pmm-admin add external-serverless --url=

Also, individual parameters can be set instead of --url like: pmm-admin add external-serverless --scheme=http --host= --listen-port=9093 --metrics-path=/metrics --container-name=ddd --external-name=e125.

Note that some parameters are mandatory depending on the context. For example, if you specify --url, --schema and other related parameters are not mandatory. But if you specify --host you must provide all other parameters needed to build the destination URL, or you can specify --address instead of host and port as individual parameters.


Full URL to exporter metrics endpoints.
Scheme to generate URL to exporter metrics endpoints.
External username.
External password.
External exporter address and port.
External exporters hostname or IP address.
Listen port of external exporter for scraping metrics.
Path under which metrics are exposed, used to generate URL.
Environment name.
Cluster name.
Replication set name.
Custom user-assigned labels.
Group name of external service. (Default: external.)
Node machine-id.
Node OS distribution.
Container ID.
Container name.
Node model.
Node region.
Node availability zone.


pmm-admin add mysql --query-source=slowlog --username=pmm --password=pmm sl-mysql
MySQL Service added.
Service ID  : /service_id/a89191d4-7d75-44a9-b37f-a528e2c4550f
Service name: sl-mysql
pmm-admin add mysql --username=pmm --password=pmm --service-name=ps-mysql --host= --port=3306
pmm-admin status
pmm-admin status --wait=30s
Agent ID: /agent_id/c2a55ac6-a12f-4172-8850-4101237a4236
Node ID : /node_id/29b2cc24-3b90-4892-8d7e-4b44258d9309
PMM Server:
 URL : https://x.x.x.x:443/
 Version: 2.5.0
PMM Client:
 Connected : true
 Time drift: 2.152715ms
 Latency : 465.658µs
 pmm-admin version: 2.5.0
 pmm-agent version: 2.5.0
 /agent_id/aeb42475-486c-4f48-a906-9546fc7859e8 mysql_slowlog_agent Running

Disable collectors

pmm-admin add mysql --disable-collectors='heartbeat,global_status,info_schema.innodb_cmp' --username=pmm --password=pmm --service-name=db1-mysql --host= --port=3306

For other collectors that you can disable with the --disable-collectors option, please visit the official repositories for each exporter:

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